Earlier today Max and I went to the local Christmas Tree lot to select our very first Christmas Tree! Here she is all ready for the ride home:

And safe in front of our house:

Max getting ready to Hercules the tree down by himself (I do better as a cheerleader):

And besides, if I was lifting, we would miss out on cute photos like this one:

Or this one of Max carrying the tree in through the front walkway:

And here is our very first tree, all decorated:

A close up of one of our special feather ornaments:

And we even have matching lovebirds:

Once the tree was set, we headed outside to show our Christmas spirit with boxes and boxes of mini lights:

Max is pretty much an expert at stringing lights around outdoor trees, however we learned the hard way tonight that trees in the desert (much like the cactuses) have adapted to protect their precious water by growing spikes and needles. Ouch! Just another reason to be ever thankful for Max's just-for-fun EMT skills.
And it sure felt like Christmas as it was finally cold enough to turn on our house heater for the very first time all season. Happy Holidays from Phoenix!

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