5 Month Update!

Parker turned 5 months old on August 18th! Here's the latest on our big guy...

Height: 27 inches

Weight: Approximately 15 1/2 lbs.

Diapers: Moving up to size threes soon!

Clothes: 6 month and 6-9 month sizes (still squeezing into a couple 3-6 month outfits though!)

Health: Possibly teething? Little man drools like there's no tomorrow. 

Sleep: Waking up at least once a night to feed. Bedtime is around 7:30-8:00, wake-up time is usually 7:30ish. Baby boy is taking one morning nap, two afternoon naps and sometimes an evening catnap.

Diet: 100% mamma’s milk, and still all from mamma. Little man continues to shun the bottle.

Baby Gear Love: Parker loves pulling at all the hanging toys on his play mat and putting them right into his mouth. Anything he can chew on is a hit with him, though he has a special fondness for Sophie the Giraffe. Parker’s face lights up when we make her squeak and tuck her next to him in his car seat.

Social: Parker gets to see lots of other babies at Musicology, Mommy and Me Yoga, and mommy's newest activity, Stroller Barre. Everyone comments on how long he is!
Likes: Parker loves when daddy does “airplane” with him, he’ll put on the biggest grin.  He likes when mommy sings (it calms him down when he’s being fussy during diaper and clothing changes). Parker also loves to look at himself in the mirror. He laughs when he’s tickled and when he gets raspberry kisses on his legs and tummy. He knows his nighttime story, Goodnight Moon, and starts kicking his legs with excitement when daddy brings it out to read it to him. He follows all the pages, makes coos and squeals, and kicks with happiness all throughout the story.

Milestones: Parker does tummy time like a champ, now! His head control is now super, and he has especially strong legs (he loves to stand on them). Little man can shimmy 360 degrees while on his back or belly! We’ll put him down on the play mat and he’ll move to a whole different spot. He’s also rolled over, but is not doing repeat performances, hah! Little man loves to grab his feet these days (the "Happy Baby" yoga pose - maybe from doing Mommy and Me yoga??).  


Baby Boy Turned 4 Months!

Our littlest man turned four months old in July! Here's whats new...

Height: 26 inches (84th percentile)

Weight: 14 pounds 8 ounces (28th percentile) 

Clothes: Parker is still wearing 3-6 and 6 month clothing, and is still in size 2 diapers.

Health: Little man has had a healthy four months! He had a bout of baby eczema, so we switched to fragrance-free body wash for him and are now putting lots of lotion on him.
Sleep: Parker had some small stretches of eight and nine hour nights, woohoo!  

Diet: All momma’s milk for the bean, and he’s still saying “no, thank you” to the bottle.

Baby Gear Love: Parker can actually reach out and grab objects now! Then, they go right to his mouth! He especially loves grabbing dangling toys from his play mat, the dangling bird on his car seat, and of course Sophie the Giraffe!

Likes: Parker likes Goodnight Moon (daddy reads it to him every night), being lifted high in the air, mommy singing (ABC’s, Skittamarinkydink, A You’re Adorable, I Love You, Good Morning, Row Row Row Your Boat…) and swimming! He’s a total water baby.

Social: Parker is Mr. Giggles! He laughs when he’s lifted in the air, or sometimes just when he sees mommy or daddy.

Milestones: Little man can fully hold up his head, and lifts his whole upper body and flails his limbs during tummy time. His coordination is getting better every day and he can reach out and grab objects now.  

We live for your giggles and smiles! In the last month you have become very alert and interactive. We are having so much fun with you! Pool time is a family favorite. You love when daddy swims you through the water. You continue to like being on your play mat, on your tummy or your back. You are still Mr. Wiggles and now concentrate very hard on reaching for toys and putting them right into your mouth. You give out sugar to anyone who smiles at you (especially mom and dad), and we think you are the sweetest! 
Love, Mamma and Dad

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