Last weekend Max's sweet mamma came out to visit from Texas!

She brought fun personalized "Mrs. Klein" notebooks for my classroom that she made herself!

She visited me and the firsties on Friday and they just couldn't get over the fact that there were two Mrs. Kleins in the room! They cracked their first grade selves up with comments like "If I say 'Mrs. Klein I need help' then they'll both come over! Ahhh ha hah hah ha!"
Since it was Labor Day weekend, we all went out hunting for sales and goodies for the house. Max picked out this rug at Home Goods with the colors I had been searching for:
And we picked up this adorable faux coral lamp that Max's mom found at Pier One (it of course reminds us of our SCUBA adventures):

We also tackled this green giant in our formal room:

It was time for the turquoise to come down:


And it was time to put up our ooey gooey new crystal chandelier! I say "new" but it's been actually just sitting on the floor for the past few months, waiting, waiting, waiting (it seemed like a daunting task to put it together). It took all three of us (plus three pairs of Swarovski approved gloves) to hang the many, many crystals but the final product was so worth it!

Up until now this room had been empty (or used for storage, sawing etc.) so with our new china cabinet, it's finally looking like an actual formal dining room! Yipee!!

We chose a diningroom table at Thomasville (thank you Labor Day sales), and the room is waiting patiently until it's delivered.

Now we're searching for a rug and chairs. I have my eye on these ones from Home Decorators Collection:

Cute, no? I love the pops of color! We're just a little hesitant to purchase them online without sitting in them and testing them out first, though they're on sale for the next three days so we're going to have to make a decision soon!