Garden Update | July

Summer gardens are one of my favorite things ever. I love being able to pop out and grab a handful of basil or parsley - and having a little helper with me is just the best. 

Here's the latest on the garden...

(As a reminder, this is what it looked like back in April.)

So, what's new: first, our zucchini plants are no longer, bless their souls. They couldn't stand up to the critters that chewed right through their stalks. This combined with the fact that the critters chewed on tons of the squash as well left us with exactly one acceptable zucchini before the plants disappeared altogether 😂

Our cucumbers, however, are a different story. This was our first year growing them, and I didn't realize that they have super defenses! The vines and leaves are very prickly, and the cucumbers themselves (at least this kind) have little black spikes that wipe off easily under running water, but are a deterrent to pests in the garden. Score. Because of this, we have cucumbers growing out of our ears!

Seriously. Busting at the seams.

And some of them get quite big. 

The photo below was our jalapeño plant in June - it's now giving us all the jalapeños. I've done candied jalapeños and jalapeño infused vodka... any other jalapeño ideas?! The other pepper plants aren't holding up to the squirrels so well 😬

Picking some "sweet and small carrots"...

Basil, please. 

Our cherry tomatoes in June...

Now ripe and ready for picking! Who else loves summer gardens?!?


  1. Summer gardens are the best! Our zucchinis aren't looking so hot either and that's what I was really hoping for. At least ours wasn't a total flop this year lol. Sierra Beautifully Candid

  2. I planted THREE zucchini plants!! Maybe six next year, lol? What happened to yours?

  3. Love it!! I want to try to plant some stuff next summer... my MIL said to try blueberries because they're pretty easy to grow and they come back each year!


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