So I wrote on Monday that we were under a tropical storm warning here in Alabama. Not just a watch, it had legit been upgraded to a warning. Max was on travel and I think I might have been a bit spooked because I developed a nervous twitch that remained throughout the week (I kid you not). Parker was stoked because when we've had severe weather in the past, he's been able to watch a full-length movie, so when I told him Monday morning that it was a weather day and school was cancelled, he was giddy at the prospect of watching a movie (remember we're those oddballs who don't have T.V. and rarely give our kiddo screen time). The weather wasn't supposed to roll in until later that day, so we filled up with gas and ran a couple errands before hunkering down with popcorn and Monsters University.
I made comfort food (tuna casserole), had candles lit, and kept all our devices charging just in case we lost power (it doesn't take much for a power outage here - one fallen branch in the wrong spot and the power lines are down). But, Irma ended up losing steam before she ever reached us, and our alert was downgraded to just a wind advisory (though school remained canceled on Tuesday, even though it was just another rainy day).
My happy helper and I took the rainy day opportunity to get our Halloween decorations out. I unloaded three boxes, thought we were done, and the next day came across another box I had completely missed! I'm not sure if this means I have too many Halloween decorations... no such thing, right?
Feeling much spookier in the house now 👻
Speaking of spooky, I signed up for our neighborhood Witches Ride! Last year was the inaugural year, and Parker talked for months about the witches who rode bikes through the neighborhood and tossed candy out to the kids (they close off the streets and everything!). So this year, I told P that the witches asked some of the mommies to come with them 😉
All the feels for fall weather! Parker and I both got to bust out our rain boots this week - little man calls it hot chocolate weather ☔

Y'all. The top I blogged about last week is 40% off 🙊 They're limited on sizes in the gingham print, but I'm thinking of picking up one of the solid colors because I was so in love with my gingham one when it arrived. A perfect fall transitional piece, plus comfy to boot. Happy shopping!
We just tried Honest Coffee Roasters for the first time last week!! It was so good! I'm so excited about fall too! I've been stocking up on fall clothes 😂 I'm going to check out that shirt!!
ReplyDeleteGirl, have you seen HCR's new FALL drinks?!? Sweet potato! Brown sugar! Bourbon! I die! Must try them ALL ☕️
DeleteThat witches ride sounds like so much fun!!! And you can never have too many holiday decorations. :)
ReplyDeleteI've been told I need training wheels because you're going that slow (where you can't balance anymore)... of course I also need a bike to put those wheels on 😂
DeleteI'm so glad that you guys were okay during Irma. She was a beast, that's for sure!! I'm glad it's over and done and I'm hoping that we don't have to worry about any more dang hurricanes!
ReplyDeleteReally school did not need to be cancelled here, but the State of Emergency covers the WHOLE state, even though we're so far north. Also, are we really only like 4 hours from each other?!? 🙊
DeleteI am in LOVE with your fireplace decor! So pretty! I am glad the storm didn't hit you guys. Have a great week!
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