Max has been in California's Bay Area on business all week, but (lucky me!) I had this adorable face to keep me company!
This sweet little guy was also my date for Valentine's Day since Daddy was out-of-town. Don't worry, Max and I got a romantic dinner in last Friday before he took off for San Francisco. I basically ate my weight in fondue at The Melting Pot, and it was fabulous.
We also did a family day-date out to see the Huntsville Symphony Orchestra rehearse. They offer $5 tickets to their scheduled practice the morning before any performance.
Since it was open seating, we wandered up to the balcony to check out the view. We've been to several events at this venue, but had never had seats up high. It was a totally different experience to get to see the entire stage! I think the next time we attend a performance there, we'll try out the balcony!
On Sunday (Valentine's Day!), Parker and I were on our own so we did a fancy lunch out, where he asked the waiter for "Fruit with cherries. Lots of cherries!"
And we made an impromptu trip to Whole Foods Sunday night to pick up some fresh fruit. Parker is in pajams because he insists on napping in pajams every single day. Yep, he's an 80 year-old-man at heart. Anyway, lots of times I'll just leave his pajams on after he wakes up if we're not leaving the house (or, lol, even if we are leaving the house like here!).
It was a cold and super rainy week here in Alabama, so lots of indoor activities were on the agenda. Playdough (plus straws and dried pasta)...
Playroom shenanigans...
And a new activity: colored water + medicine droppers + egg crates + cotton balls. Sounds crazy, but Little Man was obsessed. I used our liquid watercolors, but food coloring would work, too.
There was also this morning trip to Costco:
The above photo just cracks me up. For lots of reasons. There's the "Beef Cakes" label right above Parker, the funny kissy face, the fact that he's clutching his Starbucks (just like Mama!)... but more than anything it's his Costco name tag! Parker was gifted the name tag back in December from Miss Megan, the deli manager, and he makes sure he has it on whenever we are going to Costco (or whenever he's playing Costco at home). We don't actually know Miss Megan outside of Costco - Parker just befriended her over our many visits to the chicken rotisserie counter (he's pretty much best buds with that whole section now). Anyway, it was super thoughtful of her to make him feel so special. We heart Miss Megan.

This week I also got to do bath time! This is usually Max's time with Parker at night, while I tidy up the house or clean the kitchen after dinner. But since Max was gone, it was just me and P for bath and it was so super sweet. We did bubble baths, and oh my word, this little guy was just a bundle of laughs and love. After Parker went down to bed each night, I cozied up in my own bed with my computer and caught up on the entire first season of this show:
image via here
My Scottsdale mom friends said it was a must-see while I was out visiting them last weekend, and it did not disappoint! They also suggested
Girlfriends Guide to Divorce and
The People v. OJ Simpson (among several others - not having television or cable has put me so behind, y'all!). Also, confession, I slept in Max's robe every single night while he was gone. It was so comfy and cozy, I just might have to do it every time he's on travel!