Last week we spent our first Thanksgiving in our new house! Since Max's mom and sister came out, we had a lovely Southern spread complete with the famous Greenberg Smoked Turkey, monkey bread, chocolate pecan pie and sweet potato casserole:

Before meeting Max, I had never tasted any of these Southern treats! I'm loving that I'm now learning how to make it all. Here is the prepping of the monkey bread. Part of it involves dipping the squares of dough in butter, mmmm!

We were so excited to break out our monogrammed napkins and vintage silverware:

And we used our china for the very first time!

We were also able to take a field trip to Max's work:

The best part was entering the new anechoic chamber- check out the door:

The chamber is full of a special type of foam that absorbs radio waves so that radio equipment can be measured accurately:

The foam is shaped into many spikes that cover the floor, walls and ceiling, giving the room a slightly creepy dungeon-like feel. That's to me, anyway. I would guess that my husband gets a warm, fuzzy, happy-engineer feeling upon walking in. He does look quite excited in the photo : )