Max's favorite thing about now owning our house is the home improvement projects we will get to do ourselves : ) Before moving day, we took on a few tasks...
Me starting removal of the old wet bar (soon to be a new home for Princess and Eli):

And me removing the old laminate floor:

And the beautiful after (warmer walls, white cabinets, still no baseboards...):

We brought in professionals to finish the job and install our oh-so-pretty new walnut wood:

Which is still in need of baseboards, but we're in love with the color and how nice the wood looks and feels:

And yes, the banister and spindles are still a lighter color... it turns out that staining these is a much bigger deal than we had anticipated so we are still in search of an expert who can stain the banister to match our new floors (or, we know our big summer project):

My favorite part of owning of course is the decorating. I looooved picking out colors for the walls. Here are a few samples our painter put up in the laundry room where the walls were already white and would show off the new paint well:

We went with the taupe color in the middle for the bedrooms, bathrooms and laundry room and the light color on top for the rest of the house.
Our first "before" photo (green-ish walls, white-washed wood cabinets outside the laundry room):

The not-so-fun part of course was the actual packing and moving. We were so lucky to have friends come from near and far to help pack (a million thank-yous!) and hired some professional help for the actual moving:

Once again, Eli and Princess were troopers being transported in their orange bucket with attached filter running. Across Scottsdale was much easier than across state lines, though ; )
As for right now, we're still living out of boxes and Eli and Princess are in a temporary tank until their new built-in aquarium is ready. Max and I are getting used to the sheer size of our new house which is still unbelievable to us. Our new house is roughly eight times the size of my old cottage in California - not to mention our almost-acre of land! We feel so blessed to call it ours. Stay tuned for more from Happy Valley Ranch!