After five years at Stanford, Max, and his new title, bid farewell to academia and hello to the working world, a new state and a new rental home. I joined Max in Scottsdale at the beginning of July, after saying goodbye to four years of teaching 4th grade in Room Q, to help unpack and set up the house before we marry in August. I had been living in a darling but small (550 square feet) cottage in the Bay Area for the past few years, so our new place seems enormous! We are filling it fast, however, as Max added not only everything from his old apartment but also everything from his old office at school, and I brought all the items from both my old place and my old classroom. The backyard, luckily, is perfect as-is and we are definitely excited to have a pool to help us out with the desert heat!
A special thank you to my dad for driving from Los Banos to Scottsdale with me and helping move my things into the house!

My dad brought one of the Yorkies along to keep him company on the way back to California. This is Riley riding in the back seat of the truck with all of my belongings. He seemed to find this the most comfortable space and no matter how many times we moved him up, he kept hopping in the back.