It's been what's called unseasonably warm this week, also known as phenomenally gorgeous weather. True to their name as an outdoor school, Parker's class spent the entirety of their time yesterday outside (even their Spanish lesson!). We followed up with popsicles at the town centre, and playtime in the backyard (I snuck in some food magazine reading as well). Today's high is seventy-seven degrees, and I am 99% certain there is a picnic of some sort in our near future. We're eating up every bit of this unseasonable weather! (Though kind of freaking out about what it will be like when it's unseasonably warm in July. Eeeks.)
We picked up some tulips... because let's be real, it already feels like spring here.
We picked up some tulips... because let's be real, it already feels like spring here.
I was stoked to get these new skincare products in the mail. It's always fun trying new things, and probiotics for your face seems pretty cutting edge to me. The cream is super thick, which is lovely in these dry winter months, and I'll report back after a week or so of use with more thoughts!
Remember how I said Parker and I delivered Valentine cookies to our neighbors last week? Almost all of them sent handwritten thank-you notes to Parker in the mail this week :) Southern Manners at their best!
With our phenomenal temperatures this week, I was inspired to do a bit of gorgeous-weather shopping :) I couldn't decide which chambray shirt I preferred, this one:
So I ordered both ;) Also, would you believe I don't own a pair of white jeans? They just scream spring to me so I reasoned this was the year to add them to my closet. I already own regular jeans in the same style, so I figured I'd love these ones as well:
I stopped myself before adding these guys to my online cart, but I'm still totally eyeing them.

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After finishing (and liking) The Woman in Cabin 10
The book is definitely in the style of Gone Girl, and I really enjoyed it, though it's not to the same caliber (in my opinion) as a Gillian Flynn book. The crazy character in In a Dark, Dark Wood
(don't worry, I won't give away which person it ends up being) isn't as well fleshed out as the the one in Gone Girl (and I really hold that book as the bar). The book didn't come together at the end as best as it could have (the motives seemed a bit stretched, which I could also say about The Woman in Cabin 10
) however, I'd still recommend both Ruth Ware books if you're looking for interesting, page-turner thrillers :)

Happy Almost-Weekend, Y'all!