Citrus Lane Package: October

I've heard lots about Citrus Lane lately (basically Birchbox for babies) so I signed Parker up for a 6-month subscription. It's so much fun to get surprises in the mail! Here's what came in our October box yesterday: 

Boon Dive Bath Appliques: I'm excited for any toys to take in the bathtub (especially dive related ones!) once we make that transition. Parker is still bathing in the kitchen sink right now, however I'm not sure how long that will last! ($8.99)

Green Tones Rattle Roller: Little man loves music so I think he'll get a kick out of this! Bonus points for being super green with chemical-free, sustainable wood and VOC-free paint. ($10.29)

Plum Organics Little Yums: We are just about to begin finger foods so this teething biscuit is perfect for Parker! Max and I try all the foods we give to little man - we've already tried the little green puffs which were quite yummy! I think this green teething biscuit will be a hit, too! ($0.50)

Ez Grip Massaging Teether and Rattle: Parker is officially teething! Just this week we spotted the first signs of a tooth (on his bottom left). He loves chewing on anything so I'm guessing he'll love this teether. I like that it has a handle for him to grab! ($5.99)

Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water: We've actually never used this (or gas drops, or the teething tablets, or baby tylenol) but we do have a stash of such things so I'll add this to it, just in case. I've heard of the gripe water being used for younger babies, but apparently it's also meant to be used with teething. ($7.23)

Total Cost of Products: $33.00 (Citrus Lane Membership $20.00)

Overall I'm happy with the choices, and like that we're sent more than what the actual fee covers. Plus, it's just so much fun that the items are surprises! Already excited for the November box!

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